"When I first visited the school I fell in love with the students and teachers -- such spirit and hope in the face of such poverty! Please 'visit' the school through this website and see how you might get involved." - Penn Garvin, who works with the school.
"When people take an interest in the school, it lets us do even more for the children" --
Alicia Nájeras, Director and Teacher
"For us as mothers the presence of La Escuelita is a great help since the majority of us are single mothers and
because in addition to the schooling they give them food and really care about them". ---
Xiomara Virginia Espinoza, mother of a student
"When I walked into the school I started to cry when I saw the sweet faces of the children, how little they had and yet how
happy they were. I got involved on the spot! "-- Bev Kirkman, volunteer liaison in the US