​Vicky Canales Romero

Vicky was born February 2, 1999 and is presently 13 years old. She lives with her mother, Ana Maria Romero, and her father and two brothers, Fabian, who is 3 years old and Norby who is 8. Her mother works in the home and her father is only occasionally employed.

Vicky has Downs Syndrome and is able to communicate very limitedly. She understands her mother and responds when her mother asks her questions. She is friendly and can be a bit hyperactive.

Due to the sponsorship of a donor from the US who is interested in Vicky, she is now enrolled in a special needs program at Rey Salomon School in Managua. She is doing very well and improving in both her academic abilities and her behavior. Through a program at the school her mother is receiving counseling and this has helped greatly in the communications between mother and daughter, in the mother's behavior and in Vicky's own behavior. Her mother reported that she previously was rebellious but is not any longer.

She attends school from 8 to 11 am five days a week. Her mother has become very conscientious about making sure that Vicky attends school, comes having had breakfast and is clean and appropriately dressed.  

Vicky loves going to school and smiles when I ask her questions about what she does at school. She is learning to write and especially loves her class on handcrafts. She visits La Escuelita where she first attended classes and met her sponsor from time to time and is followed in her development by one of the teachers at her former school.

In the afternoon she is home with her mother and likes to play with her younger brother.

She seems to have problems with snoring and the doctor has said that she has problems with her glands. She may need an operation in the future but she seems to be otherwise in good health.



Dreams to Reality Scholarship Fund
